rubber bands (representing molecular bonds), which also represents a dielectric at rest, before being polarized. If you give the bottom end of this rope a sideways jerk, the shoes will move and reorient their alignment, and this movement will lag behind your initial jerk (especially for the shoes at the far end of the rope). Likewise, a changing electric music signal, travelling through a conductor, sends out jerks that polarize the encasing dielectric, and this polarization of the dielectric lags behind the music signal.
       Why does the time lag cause any problems? Because this dielectric polarization turns right around and affects the electrical music signal travelling through all nearby conductors. Since the dielectric's polarization movements lag behind the ever-changing electrical music signal, their effects on the music signal in nearby conductors also lag behind the music signal. Thus, dielectric polarization affects the music signal by smearing it in time. This phenomenon is commonly called dielectric absorption, though its effects are much more complex than most engineers realize.
       All encasing dielectrics, proximate to a conductor carrying a music signal, smear that music signal, introducing artificial colorations and obscuring some true musical information. Some dielectric materials are worse than others in this smearing, and each dielectric material imposes its own characteristic artificial colorations upon music. The hard plastic, ceramic, etc. cases of all transistors, IC chips, resistors, rectangular and dipped capacitors, etc. are some of the worst offenders in smearing and artificially coloring the music signal. Their colorations typically include midrange glare, brittle and edgy trebles, and a tilted tonal balance that's too lean, cold, and bright.
       There's an even bigger problem, which makes the above effects much worse. The polarization of a dielectric propagates through a dielectric much like a wave (this wave could be transverse or longitudinal, depending on each particular type of polarization). As you may know, when a wave travelling through any material gets to the boundary of that material, it reflects back into that material, and then bounces back and forth many times between the boundaries of that material. These echoing reflections cause the dielectric's smearing and artificial coloration to last many times longer than it would if the polarization wave made only one trip to the boundary and then stopped dead, without reflecting. These lingering reflections form a big sonic glob of artificially colored modulation noise (sounding for example like midrange glare), which echoes after every musical signal change, especially transients.
       This has several nasty consequences. First, because of these lingering reflections, a much greater percentage of the music will be smeared, artificially colored, and obscured. Any strong musical transient (the attack of a piano note, the ting of a triangle, the pluck of a string) will create echoes of artificially colored modulation noise, which will last a much longer time due to these many reflections -- thus smearing, artificially coloring, and obscuring a much greater percentage of the immediately following subtle musical information that conveys the true musical texture and timbre of the musical instrument. Second, because of the long duration of these echoing reflections, the music will be adversely affected to much lower frequencies, including the vital midranges that convey most of what music is all about. Third, because these echoing reflections linger so long, the problems of smearing, artificial coloration, and obscuration become much more audible and objectionable, since your ear/brain has more time to notice and focus attention on them.
       If only these echoing reflections could be eliminated, then the above problems would be reduced to a single one-way polarization trip through the dielectric, and this might reduce these problems to insignificance. If only these echoing reflections could be eliminated, then: 1) the above problems would affect merely a small percentage of the music; 2) they would be confined to just high frequencies (perhaps even beyond audibility, and certainly beyond the vital, sensitive midranges); and 3) they would cease so quickly after each musical transient that they would hardly be noticed by your ear/brain (certainly they would be far less audible and far less objectionable). Thus, if only these echoing reflections could be eliminated, then the smearing, artificial coloration, and obscuring caused by the dielectric casings of electrical devices could be virtually eliminated -- and all electrical devices in all your audio components could sound much more like real music. If only....
       That's what MusiCoat does! It virtually eliminates the echoing reflections of polarization within the hard dielectric casing of each electrical device (transistor, IC chip, resistor, capacitor, etc.). MusiCoat allows each of these electrical devices to reproduce music more transparently, more naturally, more accurately, by eliminating the smearing, artificial coloration, and obscuring of their dielectric casings.
       MusiCoat deposits a unique, specially designed blend of molecules on the surface of each casing. MusiCoat's coating is only a few molecules thick, so it does not form a new dielectric outer casing introducing new problems (that's why you apply it as thinly as possible). These few special molecules effectively terminate the polarization wave at the boundary of the dielectric casing, so it does not reflect back into the dielectric. This thin layer of MusiCoat quickly damps the polarization wave.
       Analogously, you know how any soft material, applied to the surface of a hard material, damps the multiple ringing, lingering mechanical vibrations in that hard material (the MusiCoat layer is much thinner than any conventional damping material, since it acts on dimensions having the scale of molecules and atoms). You also know how very thin coatings on camera lenses cure the multiple internal reflections within the glass that cause glare, glare which obscures true visual information. Likewise, the thin coating of MusiCoat eliminates multiple internal reflection glare, glare which

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