protocol, not only establish that MusiCoat makes an audible difference, but also that the many differences it does make are real, since they are precisely describable in a repeatable fashion that correlates among diverse individual observers. Even an observer working from scratch in an infinitely blind environment came up spontaneously with the same sonic descriptors that many other expert high end audio listeners also had volunteered.
       When a scientific experiment is merely double blind (wherein the listener already expects to hear a difference), and when merely some difference is heard (a difference not necessarily described the same way by different observers), then the audio community already acknowledges that something has been proven (though its exact nature and importance is still open to debate). But in this case the listener was expecting no difference, and still heard such a striking difference that he shouted to interrupt the music. When an observer under these infinitely blind conditions not only hears a striking difference, but also comes up with precisely the same descriptors as many other observers, then something even more profound (and even more difficult to prove) has been proven: these sonic differences are real, and they are important, and their precise nature is known.
       With hundreds of audio pros being so wildly enthusiastic about our MusiCoat A-B comparison at CES, the obvious question on everyone's lips was, "How can I convert my gear?" Our CES trial and demo proved that everyone could hear and appreciate the sonic improvements of MusiCoat, so we worked to make the MusiCoat treatment process portable and convenient. Now every audiophile can dramatically upgrade a complete audio component at home, for less than $100.
       We have found that all electrical devices sonically benefit from the MusiCoat treatment, regardless of their role in the circuitry. Naturally, treating some devices (perhaps those directly in the signal path) might make more sonic difference than treating other devices. But we found, interestingly, that when just some devices are treated in a given circuit, it becomes even more crucial to treat all remaining devices. That's because treating the most important devices eliminates most of the awful artificiality, thus bringing the circuit within striking distance of sounding like real live music. When the circuit starts sounding close to real music, this focusses attention on the remaining artificialities (imposed by the remaining untreated devices), and you can hear these remaining artificialities even more clearly. So it becomes crucial to eliminate these remaining artificialities, by treating all the remaining devices with MusiCoat. You'll never know how superb you audio component can sound until you treat all its internal devices with MusiCoat!
       We found this to be true even with tube circuits. For example, the ARC LS-15, a superbly transparent preamp, uses only tubes in the nominal signal path, but still employs solid state devices as rectifiers, regulators, and as current sources. The stock LS-15 still has a slight solid state quality, but treating all its ancillary solid state devices (as well as all its passive devices) with MusiCoat brought the LS-15 into its full glory as a musically natural tube preamp.
       Likewise, after you hear what a complete MusiCoat treatment does for the sound of one audio component in your system, you won't want any component left behind as the artificial sounding weak link in your system chain, so you'll want to upgrade each and every audio component in your system with its own vial of MusiCoat.
       The MusiCoat treatment treats each device individually, and thus cures sonic problems right at the source, including sonic artifacts usually associated with solid state sound or digital sound. Thus, the MusiCoat treatment is not a bandage which merely hides problems or adds new colorations after the fact. We mention this because some companies are marketing outboard add-on audio components, basically containing a tube in a box, that merely mask solid state or digital problems elsewhere, by introducing new colorations. Note also that such add-on boxes can only degrade overall system transparency and resolution, as most reviews have found. In contrast, the MusiCoat treatment actually improves the transparency and resolution of all devices in all audio equipment.

How MusiCoat Works

       MusiCoat is science, not magic. Actually, you already know how MusiCoat basically works, if you know that very thin surface coatings on camera lenses cure the multiple internal reflections within the glass that cause glare, glare which obscures true visual information. Likewise, the thin surface coating of MusiCoat eliminates multiple internal reflection glare, glare which obscures true musical information. MusiCoat is very advanced science, with patents pending, so an in-depth explanation should start with some scientific background.
       Every electrical device contains at least one conductor, which is then protected by a casing of insulation. This is true of solid state devices, resistors, capacitors, etc. Science recognizes that all insulation materials (also called dielectrics) get polarized by the electric (music) signal going through the conductors in these electrical devices, and by the associated electromagnetic field that travels just outside these conductors. This polarization of the encasing dielectric causes all the dielectric's electrical entities (molecules, atoms, ions, and/or electrons) to move, by reorienting and/or displacing themselves.
These polarization movements in the dielectric are often slower than the changes in an audio music signal, so they lag behind the music. This slow lag is caused by several factors, e.g. the mass of the molecules, their dipole moment, and the bonds among the molecules. As an analogy, you might picture a rope made of heavy shoes (representing molecules), tethered to each other (heel to toe) by

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